Air - Wet Stripping Painting Hangar
The project aims to design in detail the new aircraft wet stripping and painting Hangar and its auxiliary building, set withing HAI’s boundaries in Tanagra . The total area covered is approximatelly 3670,00sqm. The main Hangar covers an area of 2027,00sqm and can be separated in three painting cells, set for different aircrafts sizes, including a C-130, a F-16 and helicopters. It consists of a steel construction frame of rectangular shape 49.70 m long and 45,50 m wide, with an inclined steel roof 17.65 m high. The cladding is made of flat metal panels, providing a clean surface. The uninterrupted aircraft entrance to the interior is achieved through two opening steel doors, which also function as the filters of the circulating air inside the hangar. The auxiliary building is a two-storey building of composite structure with a flat roof where the MEP units are placed. The building houses offices, utility areas and corridors, at the back of the main Hangar in an area of 700,00sqm per floor. The overall dimensions of the building are 49.70 m long and 14.10 m wide. The study except for the detail architectural design of the constructions mentioned above, consists of the detail design of a portable air flow system, specially designed and suitable for the F-16 painting procedure.